下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 4月2日 04時50分

🌸 story 5
"Petal Mori" ペタルモリ

Mass Shootings, War,
Natural Disasters…
Numbers of casualties
appear on the news
Human bodies
of Lives
count by Numbers

The site-specific installation "Petal Mori" was to bring into focus our individuality.

The 3rd, and The premiere of Memento Mori exhibition outside of Japan at Praise Shadows Art Gallery in Boston from March 11th 2021. #311 during the pandemic, to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami, in collaboration with Maria Takeuchi @emuaudiovisual (projection) and Alec Fellman (sound) @insomniachotel

"Petal Mori is a meditation on dualities; Life and Death, Individual and Collective, Dream and Reality."

"The Sound is conceived as a kind of universal myth story sound collage. Vague impressions of sound from childhood, internal sounds, personal yet universal, subliminal, without start or ending non-human sounds."

The sacred number of 108 glass petri dishes was set upon a circular mound of white cleansing sea salt. Each petri dish encloses an individual or a few Sakura petals made of torn washi paper, then tied closed, as if in tribute, with fine silk thread. While another Sakura petal, suspended from the ceiling by a single white silk thread, hovers just above the salt mound, all graced in luminous projection. The accompanying sound, Petal Mori, a 108 minute looping soundscape, contains a bell ringing once per minute, simultaneously illuminating one of the 108 petri dishes.





いのち が数字になる

第三回(国外初) ボストン





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