チェルシー・ルーズのインスタグラム(chelseanicholerude) - 2月17日 02時27分

little climber Chelsea had big dreams and goals. Adult Chelsea has had a hard time holding space for those dreams yet to be realized.

“What does it even mean,” are thoughts that frequent my mind along with the truth that “I am prone to burnout.” Burnout is tough for me - it’s like a fast and windy rollercoaster 🎢 and that shit can be stressful 😩

I feel little Chelsea with big goals emerging and wanting to shine through. I also feel adult Chelsea’s fear arising; fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of not having my “what does it actually mean to me” question nailed down.

But so far in 2023, my lessons have primarily been in letting go and diving in. Adult Chelsea can manage that because I am brave, grounded, and ready.

Let’s go little one, we will do this together strong 💪


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