真行寺君枝のインスタグラム(kimieshingyoji) - 9月9日 04時09分

秋をおきて ときこそありけれ 菊の花 うつろふからに 色のまされば 
平貞文 古今和歌集
The chrysanthemums are more beautiful in their colors than in their restlessness 
Taira Sadafumi, Kokin Waka Shu
September 9th is the Chou-you Festival, also known as the Chrysanthemum Festival. The meaning of Chou-you is that in the Yin-Yang philosophy, odd numbers are yang numbers, and this day is called Chou-you because it is the day when the nine poles of the yang number overlap.
According to the lunar calendar, this is the time when chrysanthemums bloom. Another name for chrysanthemums is “yowai-gusa,” which is a general term for grasses in the chrysanthemum family. It means “the grass that grows with age. Therefore, people decorate chrysanthemums for longevity and celebrate with sake with the petals floating in it. There was also a custom of placing cotton on the chrysanthemums the night before to soak up the dew and purify the body of evil spirits. As can be seen in Li Bai’s “The Tenth Day of the Ninth Month”, the Chinese Chou-you Festival was a celebration that lasted two or three days, and the following day was called Xiao Chou-you.

#重陽の節句 #chou-you Festival #真行寺君枝#菊 #chrysanthemums #九月九日 #September 9th #古今和歌集


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