タロンガ動物園のインスタグラム(tarongazoo) - 2月16日 14時01分

Did you know that eight million tonnes of plastic waste leaks into the world's ocean every year?

That's equal to one garbage truck every minute. This is devastating to marine life with over half of all marine turtles 🐢 having eaten plastic and 90% of seabirds with plastic in their stomachs. That's why we have joined forces with @royalcaribbean_aunz on the Litter Free Oceans campaign, to raise awareness about the devastating impact litter has on marine life and educate Australians on how to reduce their use of single-use plastic.

Want to understand the impact of your single-use plastic habits and learn how to reduce your impact? Head to www.taronga.org.au/litter-free-oceans/ to find out more!

#forthewild #litterfreeoceans

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