KATのインスタグラム(katmcdowell) - 1月19日 13時55分

Ahh it took me a week to recover from getting sick so this post is delayed, but Thank You to everyone who celebrated my birthday with me on twitch last week! Apparently this is why I can’t have nice things 😂 I am always spilling something or knocking something over I should have known this would happen. 🙉

Thank you to @pinayskye for sending this cake to me all the way from Korea!! 🙏🏼☺️

This month I am deep in the weeds writing and learning to produce my own songs and I’m learning a lot with my fellow peers on @ライアン・テダー ‘s @learnmonthly course! I feel completely over my head but if you’d like to see some of my process and what I’m doing I’ll be streaming some of my songwriting sessions on twitch this month on Thur 1pm PST / Sat and Sun at 3pm PST!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





