トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 1月6日 18時53分

Rate my meditation out of 10 please? 🧘‍♀️ Relaxation is so important for our mental health, wellbeing and immune system when reducing stress levels and balancing emotions. Being a busy single parent, working, studying and home schooling two children within four walls 24/7 during quarantine is a challenge! But I make sure that I take at least 30-60mins each day to be entirely alone - which means being structured with my day, keeping to a routine, organising my priorities and being effective and efficient in my tasks to successfully complete my daily to-do’s in a timely manner. Many people will happily sit in front of a television for several hours a day complaining that they have no time or energy for exercise, self help or personal improvement - in reality you will ALWAYS have enough time if you manage your day properly. Whether you go to bed a little earlier to get up before anybody else, find a quiet corner in a bedroom or retreat to a balcony or garden - there are plenty of opportunities everywhere to gain some alone time, find your inner peace and unwind. Sitting quietly, closing your eyes and taking deep breaths will trigger the body’s relaxation response, the opposite of the nervous systems fight or flight response which we feel in times of stress and pressure. Sitting still and comfortably, allow all of your thoughts, worries and fears to melt away as you focus solely on your breathing, replacing all thoughts with the focus of the actions to “breathe in” and “breathe out”. It may help to play nature sounds such as rain, the ocean or bird song to distract you from your daily thoughts, but don’t panic if you suddenly find yourself thinking about what’s for dinner or where you left your phone - when you notice your mind wandering simply think of the words “in” and “out” as you follow your breath. Meditation takes practise, commitment and routine; a few minutes each day is enough to form a habit and notice progress so please give it time. The difference it makes to be calm and control in a chaotic world is absolutely priceless for your health. Can you find 5mins today to unwind? 💗 #meditation #stressrelief #relaxation #mentalhealth #wellbeing


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