ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 1月5日 19時30分

Let's get into the right MINDSET for the #SweatChallenge!
Your mindset is SO important when it comes to your health and fitness. Being in the right mindset can make a big difference when it comes to achieving your goals.

If you feel nervous, afraid or daunted by this challenge, that is totally fine and completely normal. But I'm going to help you to change your mindset so that you are set up for success for when the challenge starts on Monday.

I have written down some of things that I know that many of you will be feeling before starting this year's Sweat Challenge, and given you suggestions for how you can shift to a more positive mindset:

➖ "I’m not fit enough" 👉 I’m going to take the workouts at my own pace and modify exercises when I need to. This will help me to gradually build my strength and fitness.
➖ "I feel like I don’t have enough time to do this" 👉 I’m going to find a way to dedicate 28 minutes per day to working out, but if I don't have time on some days, I will do an express workout instead.
➖ "This challenge is going to be a really big change to my lifestyle and it’s daunting to me" 👉 I’m going to make small changes that make a big difference and focus on what I can ADD to my week to make me feel stronger and more confident.
➖ "I’m going to feel embarrassed if I don’t achieve my goal" 👉 I’m going to try my best to achieve my goal, and I’m going to celebrate every small achievement that I make along the way.
➖ "I’m nervous that people will make fun of me for working out for the first time" 👉 My friends and family are going to be happy that I’m making a change for the better, to make me feel stronger, happier and healthier.

Ladies, I recommend that you focus on what you CAN do rather than what you are afraid of or nervous about. This is a much more positive outlook and will mean that you are way more likely to make progress and smash your goals for this challenge.

So, who's ready? The countdown is ON and I couldn't be more excited! #BBGcommunity, the Sweat Challenge starts on Monday, January 11. Let's goooo!! 🙌



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