ガル・ガドットのインスタグラム(gal_gadot) - 11月2日 07時37分

Now that I’m back home I’ve had time to reflect on the past couple of months shooting #RedNotice. In order to get back to work during the pandemic, came with a lot of sacrifices especially from our amazing crew. We had to be sequestered 24/7 and only go to and from set. The crew had to be away from their families for several months and they worked their butts off so we can all deliver the best movie possible while keeping everyone safe. I’m always aware of the fact that things are impactful and special only when there’s a collective force behind it. This one was for sure that. Thank you so much RedNotice crew. Thank you @rawsonthurber and my amazing co stars @ドウェイン・ジョンソン and @ライアン・レイノルズ
Can’t wait for all of you to see the movie!!!! It’s so damn good💃🏻 #ittakesavillage #RedNotice @sevenbucksprod @ネットフリックス 📸@masistills & @hhgarcia41


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