クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 10月22日 11時45分

When you TRY to have a conversation with someone who’s determined to not only NOT listen- but their defense is to be condescending and just talk louder over you and ignore you FACTS. This argument with this Trumpster happened today whe. I attenpted to tell him that Democrats are not seeking to take away your guns (a common rallying cry to energize the right) but there SHOULD be some kinds of regulations against some of these semi-automatic and automatic weapons being used NOT for hunting but for murder. (I misspoke and didn’t say SEMI automatic and said automatic- but still). Apparently old boy with the beard didn’t agree. This was the first time in my life I had to cut an appearance short due to blatant disrespect and tone. Oh and I tried to tell Santa you CAN in fact get a semi automatic weapon/ weapon of war at gun shows in Texas- to which he laughed. Please scroll to see the receipts when I in fact went to a Texas gun show and would have been able to purchase a semi automatic weapon aka a weapon of war without a severe background check. There is a gun show loop that allows you to get a whole lot and he knew it. The guns I SHOW in the slides are not mere hunting guns. They’re to kill multiples. Dems are not taking away all guns- just CERTAIN ones that are doing way too much and there IS a difference.


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