ステファニー・ダナのインスタグラム(smdana) - 9月13日 11時42分

I’m not superstitious buttt Tyler played very well last night, so I told him we should do everything the exact same in preparation for today’s game... which included me not cooking him dinner & a morning photoshoot 😆😏 I don’t make the rules haha, just win the games 😂😘

Some Japanese superstitions I’ve recently learned of:
1) Don’t dry your clothes at night. The spirits will get in your clothes.
— I alwayssss dry my clothes at night, 🙊🙈 I’ve since stopped.. just in case. I don’t need any more issues right now ha
2) Don’t whistle alone in an alley at night. You’ll call the spirits to you.
— I’ve never done this. Never wanted to do this. Not a big whistler. But since learning about this, I’ll find myself in alleys at night and the thought, “oh shit. Whatever you do, don’t f**king whistle.” 100% crosses my mind 😂🙃


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