TAO(岡本多緒)のインスタグラム(taookamoto) - 9月11日 01時36分

We went camping in June Lake, California, this Monday.

When we arrived at the campsite, we were told all the campgrounds in the area are closed because there is a big fire nearby.

We were disappointed and changed our plans. In the meantime, we were experiencing a gray sky, and a smoky smell.

I had no idea, but we were only 35 miles away from the big creek fire.

The west coast is burning. It is the worst fire season ever.

San Francisco, Washington, and Oregon’s skies are red.

Not only do directedly affected areas have damages, but many more people and animals will suffer from the bad air quality, which causes serious health conditions.

Climate change is real, and it is an emergency.

I just want to preserve this beautiful planet, healthy and livable.

I believe in change. So please vote for the candidate who will protect our home and make it a safer and habitable place.

I am suggesting ideas for a green lifestyle you can do on a daily bases. Follow me on @emeraldpractices and save our planet together.🌎



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