ジョシュア・デイビット・エバンスのインスタグラム(joshuadtown) - 8月26日 03時56分

I wrote "Guilty" as a bookend to the last five years of my life. Lately, I've come to terms with the fact that I've always edited myself to please others: During my childhood, as a teen, in church settings, then even as an adult. I always chose to cater to other people rather than what was really important for me. Then, I'd later have momentary outbursts where I'd drunkenly ramble about the things I wish I had said or been honest about. This is an artistic expression of what I have felt, seen, lived through, and learned during the most difficult chapters of my life so far. Enjoy it. Hate it. Find ways to connect to it yourself. Or don't. That's what art is. This is just a fraction of who I am... and what I've discovered within my own journey this far.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



