ジョシュア・デイビット・エバンスのインスタグラム(joshuadtown) - 8月19日 11時29分

Two years ago today we said I do. From dating in our twenties... to going our separate ways, not knowing if we’d ever see each other again... to this. She was a shining light in my life. We reconnected... and guess what? Everything about her remained bright, pure, and unforgettable. Through it all I never had anything but praise for her... and now I have the honor of calling her my wife. Love you Pammy. I love all of you. Especially your butt. (You can tell our friend @matthewwilliamellis approves of this passionate kiss and is thrilled for us. Miss ya Matt ❤️) #EvansAnniversary 📷 cred @jeremydavidcreative


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