マーモットのインスタグラム(marmot) - 7月24日 04時12分

Marmot Club Ambassador: Ellen Carty @viewswithellen

Hi there, I’m Ellen!

I’m a full time business and marketing student at the University of Alaska, Anchorage. On the weekends, I moonlight as a local photographer and adventure junkie. When I’m not in the mountains, I’m often found dreaming about them over a pile of topographical maps and a glass of wine.

When I travel, I brag endlessly to people from outside Alaska that I’ve been a fisherman every summer for my entire life. After being asked if it’s like “Deadliest Catch” for the 12th time, I laugh and nod, unable to explain the lifetime of lessons the ocean has taught me. Although rough at times, the salmon industry is fair smoother sailing.

The wild and unpredictable nature of Alaskan life pushed me into a life of constant curiosity. At 19, I moved to online university classes so I could start backpacking. A year later, I came back to my little fishing town with greater love for wild, open spaces, and 35 new passport stamps.

All in all, I’m obsessed with the wild, curious, and goofy. Oh, and I’m the reigning champion of dad jokes (self-titled, of course).



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