アリシア・ウィットのインスタグラム(aliciawitty) - 7月22日 04時17分

did it. 🍉 for those of you following my watermelon growing - this one is DELICIOUS! i ripened it til it had a good thick yellow spot on it, and WE ATE IT. i wish i could share it with you all!

now that i’ve hopefully got your attention - i have to share that we are in the midst of a *serious* covid-19 surge in nashville - as are so many cities. one of my most beloved friends is in the hospital right now. this will be her fourth night there. it’s a horrible, unpredictable, and very real disease. hospitals are nearing capacity here. i know SO MANY people who have come within one degree of exposure in the last two weeks. and yet, i keep being astonished by how many people do not believe this is real, and say they don’t know anyone who’s gotten sick, and think it’s ‘the flu’. there are a myriad of symptoms, which vary so widely between the 16 people ive known who have had this so far - we are still just at the tip of the iceburg in terms of learning how many of side effects might stay with you permanently. some perfectly healthy seeming people get terribly, unexpectedly sick out of the blue. others don’t get terribly sick but they are contagious and infecting others *unknowingly*. and this is why masks are so important. it’s the simplest thing you can do to protect *others*. the mask-wearer is the one who is protecting others the most. you stop your own germs from spreading. my hospitalized friend had NO SYMPTOMS at the time she was tested. didn’t have symptoms for days. we need to all assume everyone has it, in order to hopefully get this surge going the other way as soon as possible, so we can stop shutting down cities and taking people out of work again for their own protection. please keep your distance, and please wear a mask. it’s not the most fun, but it will pass. then we can all get back to eating watermelon together ❤️ please stay healthy. love you all.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



