アンジェラ・磨紀・バーノンのインスタグラム(angelamakivernon) - 6月12日 17時11分

My Prayer goes out to everyone affected by current events and I’m sharing a bit of my life story to inspire hope for healing. .
“Today, I pray for Love, Peace and Healing in this world.
I pray for everyone hurting and feeling helpless.
I pray for healing to all who are suffering and experiencing loss.
I pray for everyone’s health- physically, mentally and emotionally.
I pray for us to have strength in these difficult times.
I pray for ALL hearts to be filled with Hope and Trust.” .
My brothers and I were born and raised in Japan.  We were the only mixed-race kids at school, raised by a single mom (which was rare at the time), and one of my brothers is physically disabled. We were bullied for being different. I remember a time; I walked up to a crowd and saw someone being physically abused by a group of kids and the pain I felt when I realized it was my brother. Working through that pain, I desired to create understanding and support for people with disabilities. Through that desire Ocean’s Love was born.  Ocean’s Love has helped me heal from those painful times and trust it is possible to create a society of love and compassion.
I’m sending ALL MY LOVE to you and may this rainbow bring you HOPE, HEALING and PEACE❤️ .
みんなの心が希望と信じる気持ちでいっぱいになります様に。。” 人と違うというだけで差別されたり、いじめを受けたり、多くの権利や機会を奪われたり今世の中で起きている事がふと昔の記憶を蘇させました。
その時の痛み、悲しみ、そして悔しさが私がOcean’s Loveをスタートするきっかけとなったのです。社会にもっと理解力とサポートがあれば、思いやりと優しさと愛に溢れていたらきっと違う世の中であるだろう。そんな社会になる様にという想いで @oceans_love は生まれました。そして @oceans_love をスタートした事で私の心はヒーリング出来ました。

この虹に、癒し、希望、願い、平和と愛を込めて皆さんに送ります。。❤️ #oceanslove #love #peace #hope #healinghearts #prayer #compassion #希望 #虹に願いを#愛 #hawaii #ハワイ#平和 #理解とサポート #おもいやり


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