テート・ギャラリーのインスタグラム(tate) - 6月11日 04時48分

While the galleries are closed, our volunteers are sharing an artwork that resonates during this time. Today's choice is from Madeleine, a Tate Guide.

​'This is Giuseppe Penone’s ‘Breath 5’ (1978). I wanted to share this piece because I’ve never included it on one of my tours before, but in lockdown an artwork about breath and breathing takes on a heightened significance.

Normally I would spend time in the gallery experiencing a sculpture from all different perspectives, to work out how to help our visitors look at it, and prepare questions to start conversations and prompt thinking. Working online, I can research, write and plan -- but without our visitors, whom I miss, my process of working isn’t complete and my reason for being a Guide, to help visitors look, understand, and enjoy art can’t be fulfilled. I wonder, what can you see? What does it make you think about? How does it make you feel? ‘Breath 5’ is a terracotta sculpture standing at 1.5m. It's wider at the base, narrowing at the top, in a form inspired by a vase, teardrop and goatskin. A narrow vent goes up the height of the work, widening towards the top. Inside this vent is an imprint of the artist’s clothed body, jeans, belt and shirt. On the top, a mouth-shaped cast. The body itself is absent, but forever present in the imprints.

It's a piece that brings together breath and touch⁠—both central to the experience of lockdown. The out breath as an ‘involuntary, automatic sculpture’… ’that lasts an instant'. And touch, basic to the sculptor’s experience, is 'the most reliable way we have of understanding our world'. Aluding to our current heightened awareness of everything we touch and the loss we feel as opportunities for human contact are lost, this work has emerged as important to me in this time.'


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