ヘイリー・ウィリアムスのインスタグラム(yelyahwilliams) - 5月29日 23時32分

🗣 there are many, many ways to be a good ally to our friends/family/neighbors of color... there are, unfortunately, just as many ways to be racist. those of us who have undeniable privilege, whether born into it or not, MUST educate ourselves - listen with humility and soft hearts... stay attuned to the big and seemingly small ways that prejudice creeps into our systems.... speak up for friends who can’t... get a little uncomfortable for the folks who have already lived a lifetime of discomfort.... be willing to be wrong and change our perspectives.
an instagram post doesn’t really amount to much. yet, it might be the tiniest way to show someone where you stand on matters important to you. it starts with individual people standing for something much bigger than themselves. justice for all.
rest in peace George Floyd and the countless others who would be alive today, if not for a system rigged against them. i will not be allowing comments on this post. it would feel stupid to get cheered on for it and it would feel absolutely maddening to be hated for it. sending love to yall today.


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