ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 3月25日 11時35分

Photo by @tasneemalsultan | I drove from Kuwait to my hometown on March 6, just four hours before the borders closed. I found out that my hometown was to be closed off, with all access blocked.
My parents stayed home without making their daily visit to my grandparents, my sister worked from home, and my daughters started their school classes online. Although I’m a freelancer and am used to working from home, depression and anxiety hit me. I stayed in bed for five days, only leaving for food and minimal interaction with my own family.
Depression doesn’t have a reason or a justification; it just happens. I saw my mother water her garden yesterday and realized that I was so lucky to be spending time with family. Not everyone has their family at such a close distance. Why was I so upset and not thinking of the many people who have experienced sudden war and poverty that left them or their loved ones in loss?
Beating myself up emotionally about why my feelings didn’t make sense wasn’t helpful. But I realized that having my phone in hand and constantly following the world news wasn’t either. Meditation, reading books, and just embracing this quiet time is much needed. Wishing you all health and love during this strange and stressful time. #saudiarabia #easternprovince


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