イリザ・シュレシンガーのインスタグラム(ilizas) - 3月17日 02時22分

🐔 Tonight’s recipe! 🍲
See you at 5pm pacific.
ONCE AGAIN: there are no rules. #dontpanicpantry is about having fun and cooking yourself something that you're willing to eat with what you have on hand. Don't risk your safety because you don't want to substitute an ingredient.
But also? Real recipe writing is hard, and takes time, and requires testing. These are not real recipes. These are loose ones to go along with what @イリザ・シュレシンガー and I are cooking on the fly each day. I’m also gonna be riffing while I cook, so this is as close a guess as I can make of what we’ll be making tonight.
Okay. So this one is all about flavoring your homemade chicken stock. If you followed along yesterday you saw us make stock. Chicken stock is easy. If you don’t have a recipe: Google one. There are many. But basically: simmer chicken bones in water for like 6 hours, skimming any scum off the top of the pot and throwing it away. Add other flavors while it simmers, like any scallion tops or onion halves or carrot chunks or celery leaves or loose black peppercorns you can scrounge up.
Then strain the soup through a fine mesh strainer, cool the chicken parts and pull off the meat (reserving for later use).
Or buy chicken stock from the store! It is super different from homemade stock but these are crazy times. I will say this though: if you have time to make chicken stock it is one of the great culinary things you will learn to do with your life (extracting the purest essence of a felled creature and concentrating its flavor into liquid). Oh and obviously, if you didn’t make stock you don’t have chicken either. A rotisserie chicken will work too – just pull off the meat.
The trick here is flavoring this with whatever you’ve got. If you have things like dried mushrooms, or fermented bean paste, or rice wine, those are great.
Don't have ginger? Skip it and add more other stuff.
Vegan? Use vegetable broth and add extra greens and maybe some beans.
Oh and full disclosure: I’ve never really made this before so we’ll see how this goes! But if you’ve made your own broth, you can kind of do no wrong.
Ok here's the recipe. Once again, I’m almost out of characters again, so tap through the photos t


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