ブライオニー・ペイジのインスタグラム(bryony_page) - 3月8日 23時48分

#SpotlightSunday : #InternationalWomensDay

There are many women I could talk about outside of trampolining & sport (@グレタ・トゥーンベリ @malala) that are changing the platform for the future. But today, I'm looking back at the moment when I first believed that my dream of becoming an Olympian was possible - competing against my idols at my first World Championships in 2010 - and celebrating these strong women who inspired me in the early years of my journey. If it wasn’t for these athletes showing me what could be achieved in trampolining & in life, I wouldn’t have known how smashable the glass ceiling was.

Huang Shanshan – The best thing about watching her compete (besides her great style) was seeing how she always smiled, remaining cheerful & friendly even if things didn’t go well. •

Li Dan – Despite her success, she is humble & very respectful. She shakes my hand to congratulate me after a good comp & consoles me after a bad one. She’s even more of an inspiration now that she is a mum & back competing!

@irinatramp – legend of & pioneer for women’s trampolining, pushing boundaries & competing skills ‘that men competed’. •

Tatsiana Piatrenia – When she finally became a World Champion in 2017 (aged 36), I was so happy - I cried seeing her persevere & finish her career on such a deserving note.

@Luba_Golovina90 – WOW her beautiful set routine! Same height & age as me, she continues to inspire. She has competed & finalled at 3 Olympic Games & even had a baby between London/Rio!

Anna Dogonadze – Olympic, World & European Champion, Anna is inspirational to me because of her successful career, longevity in this sport & her kind, fun personality.

@Rosiemaclennan – Last but not least, one of the loveliest sportswomen I have ever had the privilege of competing with. Double world & Olympic Champion, Rosie's an incredible role model & ambassador for the sport, with her open discussions about body image & dealing with her mental health are nothing short of inspirational. •

Happy #IWD2020 ! Like these ladies who had a massive influence on my own journey, whatever it is you do, you can make the world a better & brighter place!


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