星野源のインスタグラム(iamgenhoshino) - 12月20日 21時25分

ワールドツアーから帰ってきて数日。少しずつ落ち着いてきました。上海での衝撃の熱狂から始まり、New York、横浜、台北と経ていくにつれてさらに熱は高まり、どの会場も恐ろしいほど爆発的な盛り上がりでした。たくさんの楽しさ、強い自信をもらうことができました。ありがとう。

It’s been a few days since I came back from my world tour. I'm slowly composing myself again, bit by bit. Starting with the stunning display of enthusiasm in Shanghai, the excitement in the air gradually rose as we continued on to New York, Yokohama, and Taipei, to the point that no matter the venue, we faced almost scary levels of explosive energy. You guys gave me countless nights of fun and excitement, on top of boosting my self-confidence. I can’t thank you all enough.
Taking a firm step into the unknown that you’ve always wanted to venture into, facing new challenges and doing your best in your own way, as well as getting to music along the way... it’s all truly, truly exciting.
#星野源 #GenHoshino


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



