SHANTIのインスタグラム(shantimusic) - 6月29日 02時37分

Just a lady doin’ her laundry dancing to the music.
Oh wait... Here’s a story...
While I was waiting for my clothes to dry, a stranger approached me. He was a man hired by @sukasociety ... So random... I thought. “His opening line was what do you think of child trafficking?” I listened to his pitch and then took advantage of this synchronicity to engage in a conversation. I hit him back with some challenging questions and ideas of how to make this charity movement for aiding in the rescue and education of children who were wrongfully bought or stollen from their environment and from their families a bigger movement. I asked questions. This raw conversation led me to make a donation.
Whatever I make each year, big or small, I set aside 5% of my annual income for charity. It’s not a huge amount; I’m no Hollywood movie star but this allows me to take action in what I believe in. The world would be so much more love filled if everyone did this. I eventually want to do something on a bigger scale. Right now I donate here and there when I can.
Such a raw exchange at a laundry mat. An unexpected occurrence.

Yes people buy children for sex and for marriage and ownership.
There is so much to do. Don’t you think?
If you do not know what you want to do in life, learn that you have the power to empower others. Learn about the people who need your help. Never stop to give your attention to where it is needed.
#laundrymat #randomconvo #onlyinkl


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