イスクラ・ローレンスのインスタグラム(iskra) - 6月11日 22時55分

Been struggling to condense and put into words how I feel about backlash that @NIKE have received after introducing plus-size mannequins.
[they also introduced para-sport mannequins also a huge step forward in representation, thank you #nike]
This is fatphobia, shaming other people’s bodies and passing judgement on their health is not your business, and excluding diverse bodies is the opposite of progress.
I’ve been the nearer the size of a traditional mannequin (US4/6-UK8/10) and I’m currently nearer the size of the new plus size mannequin.
News flash - I am more healthy NOW than I was when I was thinner - because being skinny does not equal being healthy.
Yet if I asked fat phobic people, they would ASSUME that I was healthier the thinner I was.
Firstly no one should need to prove this - secondly I’m nearly 200lbs of “I will kick your a$$ in a sprint, boxing jumping and lifting over half my body weight”👍
But regardless of my story and personal health journey how dare you try and disallow other humans from being represented.
Everyone has the right to look after their bodies regardless of the size they wear or where their current fitness level or health is.
Someone’s health is their greatest gift and shaming and exclusion makes it so much harder for anyone to look after themselves or guess what, have flippin gym clothes to even go and move their bodies.
Seeing a mannequin, having access to clothing in your size encourages inclusion and promotes diverse bodies taking part in fitness (whatever that looks like to them)
Also if they choose to wear they shiny new fire Nike leggings to watch TV - that’s also OK🙄
There is so so much more I would love to say but I’ll just leave you with this.
All bodies deserve representation, inclusion and to know they are worthy of being loved and taken care of.
For too long it’s been believed if you cannot see you cannot be.
Well diverse bodies aren’t invisible and aren’t going anywhere so get ready to see them everywhere


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