マイケル・フランティのインスタグラム(michaelfranti) - 4月7日 01時19分

Family day today. @saraagahfranti , baby Taj and I are just kicking it doing some housework, playing on the couch, going for a walk and in between mom is doing some emailing and dad is writing lyrics. It’s hard to believe one year ago today Sara was just about 4 months pregnant and we couldn’t even imagine what little Taj was gonna look like it the energy he’d bring into our world with his smiles, laughter, late night singing him to sleep for hours, flying around the world with him and all the inspiration he brings us everyday as parents and creative people. I’ve got two grown sons and I didn’t think I’d experience this all over again until I met Sara. At this stage in my life I have such appreciation for every nuance, every new movement, sound, tear and bewildering moment. Just when I reach my whits end as a dad, when I’ve changed his diaper, fed him, cuddled him, rocked him, sang him every song I know and nothing seems to put him to sleep, Taj does something to make me laugh or tear up in joy and I’ll just stay up with him and hang out playing. The gift of letting go and being with what is. My three sons Cappy, Ade’ and Taj have each taught me more about life than any other people (well, mom you’re in their too!). I feel grateful for every precious second. Tell me who you’re chilling with today! #stayhuman #family #baby #parents #soulrocker

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