ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 4月2日 06時13分

[[ FULL BODY WORKOUT ]] With only a few weeks to go 'til I meet this little muffin, I'm sticking to #pregnancysafe FULL BODY workouts. Mainly because I am ALREADY feeling uncomfortable while I sleep and I do not want to deal with DOMS on top of that😝. For the ladies who don't know, DOMS stands for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, which (in the easiest way to explain) is the muscle soreness you sometimes get a day or two after your workout. Just to be clear, there is a BIG difference between injuring yourself and DOMs. The more you train and get experienced, you will learn and understand this. If I stick to full-body workouts, I’m targeting lots of muscle groups within the same workout. I leave feeling GREAT and find I don't get as sore.....which is what I want/need right now! This workout can be completed by anyone, NOT just ladies who are pregnant. BUT if you ARE pregnant, this is suitable in ALL trimesters. Please note, IF you are pregnant you MUST get your doctor's clearance (not mine) before working out! www.kaylaitsines.com/app #34weeks5days


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