ニア・ピープルズのインスタグラム(niapeeples) - 3月13日 12時57分

Spent a day at the beach reading dozens of letters from some incredible students. This time last year my friend @rio Callans , @chrishayzel and I had a reading and discussion of The Little Apple Tree (my relationship book disguised as a children’s book, ) with a fifth grade class in #NewMexico. It was such a powerful experience that the amazing and imaginative teacher created her own assignments around it opening up the opportunity for deeper conversation and application, and in doing so, changing children’s lives! Thank you Ms Kelli For adding your light and creativity to the world by co-creating an amazing experience for your students. And thanks to your students for being willing to open their hearts to the possibilities when so much of the world is showing them limitations. Your enthusiasm is contagious and your artistry inspiring. Love you like crazy! #inspired #education #selfLove #parenting


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