ジェイミー・オリヴァーのインスタグラム(jamieoliver) - 3月9日 04時25分

Couldn’t say it better than this so here’s a Repost from an amazing food writer @malouherkes On this International Women's Day, I want to give, big kudos to the amazingly talented older women who continue to cook and pass on their incredible food knowledge and skills. Of which I've been the grateful recipient on many occasions.

It's a funny one because championing women's role in the kitchen can seem quite contradictory. It was/is a role that many resented and rightly so. But let's not forget that for centuries women have been the important bearers and tellers of lessons and knowledge that informed younger generations how to cook, eat and glean from the land in a way that was beneficial to the planet and our health. ?? Whether that was knowing how to pick medicinal herbs to help a stomach ache, or knowing how to tend a vegetable patch or cooking a simple, frugal soup like 82-year-old Vida here?
It's a sad truth that this knowledge is being forgotten. But not completely. Maybe take a moment today to champion the small things your gran or your mum or any woman in your life does to uphold the important lessons our ancestors have been passing down for centuries. The simple act of cooking a meal is really that. Which is what I'll be doing with my own ma this evening ? #internationalwomensday #theforgottenpantry


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