ゾーイ・サルダナのインスタグラム(zoesaldana) - 1月31日 10時34分

This man is Uriel Gonzalez Perez and he is the coordinator general of Casa YMCA de Menores Migrantes (Underaged Migrants). He was absolutely generous with information we needed to know about the children who feel forced to flee violent circumstances in search for a better life. Tijuana is currently caring for over 4000 unaccompanied migrants who are minors. YMCA offers help to some of the centers harboring these children. We met a couple of adolescent boys who shared their painful stories with us. One 15 year old boy was separated from his brother during the caravan ride to Tijuana and still has not been able to track him. He doesn’t know if his brother is alive, if he’s safe. It was difficult to hold back tears. The thought of my own sons experiencing pain, fear or loss paralyzes me. These children are brave, resilient and deserving of an opportunity to live a decent life. If another country is unable to provide that for them, why can’t we? Why can’t we open our doors, our hearts and our country to these children? This isn’t about politics, it’s about humanity. Thank you Uriel for guiding us today.


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