National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 12月9日 22時56分

Photo by @jimrichardsonng Rain storms were sweeping across the sound from Westray that evening, all wind and fury over a peaceful place. Six thousand years ago farmers here in Orkney were building this house on Papa Westray, long before the sea crept so close, about the same time that Uruk in Mesopotamia was rising to power as one of the world’s first cities. This humble house, the Knap of Howar, is thus not some remote insignificant artifact in the North Sea but central to the human story that flourished after the retreat of the ice age — that’s our story. Many of these sites are now threatened by the rising seas that will become common in coming decades. When the rain arrived and beat down on us we sheltered in the tunnel that connects the two houses. Incredible experience. Follow me @jimrichardsonng for more Scotland explorations. @ナショナルジオグラフィック @natgeocreative #scotland #orkney


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