ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月19日 12時01分

Photo by @CarltonWard | As the first cold fronts of fall blow in and Gulf of Mexico temperatures drop, manatees will begin migrating to the relatively warm waters of Florida’s freshwater springs. This mother and calf were seeking refuge while a winter rain dappled the surface of Three Sisters Springs in Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge. Maintaining safe passage for manatees is critical during this time of year. Being hit by boats is the leading cause of injury for this vulnerable marine mammal which through conservation efforts has gradually recovered from former endangered status. We swam with manatees at this site during the 2015 #FloridaWildlifeCorridor Expedition. #Glades2Gulf @insidenatgeo @usfws #manatee #GulfofMexico #springs @sealegacy #FloridaWild #KeepFLWild


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