?  1年で2回だけ見られる奇跡の「光の道」✨ The magical “Road of light” you can see only twice a year!!  全国の宮地嶽神社の総本山で、歴史あるこの神社。 嵐出演の某JALさんのCMで人気になったスポットです。  2月と10月の限られた日にだけ見られる、夕日が神社の参道を「光の道」のように照らす光景がとっても神々しい!  神職さんいわく、この神社が建設される古の時代に夕日の法則性に気づき、敢えて「光の道」ができるよう、この方角に神社が建設されたかも、とのこと。  過去と今をツナグ「光の道」。 沈む一瞬に思いを馳せ、昔の人々からの贈り物を、思う存分楽しませてもらいました☺  The magical “Road of light” you can see at Miyajidake Shrine in Fukuoka.  At straight road in front of the shrine, the sunset falls just onto this road only twice a year in February and October, then the “Road of light” shows up. You can see a beautiful scenery of the “Road of light” from the shrine.  In this 2 years, this place have become so famous because this place was introduced in a famous TV commercial of JAL airlines. So many tourist visit here in this opportunity. Even sometimes you have to get a ticket to enter in sunset moment. Please check the official information before visiting.    ⚠「光の道ウィーク」中は整理券が必要です。事前によく調べて行ってくださいね! (イベント中は大混雑であまり写真撮影には向いてないと個人的には思ったので、目で見て愉しむのがオススメです?)    ?#宮地嶽神社 #光の道 /福岡県 福津市 ?#MiyajidakeShrine/Fukuoka Kyushu Japan   ©︎Shiho/詩歩

shiho_zekkeiさん(@shiho_zekkei)が投稿した動画 -

詩歩のインスタグラム(shiho_zekkei) - 10月16日 08時44分


The magical “Road of light” you can see only twice a year!!





The magical “Road of light” you can see at Miyajidake Shrine in Fukuoka.

At straight road in front of the shrine, the sunset falls just onto this road only twice a year in February and October, then the “Road of light” shows up. You can see a beautiful scenery of the “Road of light” from the shrine.

In this 2 years, this place have become so famous because this place was introduced in a famous TV commercial of JAL airlines. So many tourist visit here in this opportunity. Even sometimes you have to get a ticket to enter in sunset moment. Please check the official information before visiting.


?#宮地嶽神社 #光の道 /福岡県 福津市
?#MiyajidakeShrine/Fukuoka Kyushu Japan



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