モービーのインスタグラム(moby) - 10月11日 00時05分

I mean, ideally saying ‘climate change is real’ would be as self evident as ‘gravity is real’ and ‘water is wet’. Every single climate scientist who is not on the payroll of an oil company unanimously concurs that climate change is real, has been caused by humans, and is going to destroy us. There are opinions, like which Beatle wrote the best songs, and whether chihuahuas are cuter than yorkies, but the existence of climate change and it’s ability to essentially destroy our species does not exist in the realm of opinion. And for @ドナルド・トランプ and the @gop @senategop @housegop to ignore climate change and roll back legislation meant to prevent climate change is leading to death and destruction, as evidenced by the horrors created by hurricanes Katrina, Harvey, Maria, Michael, etc. If we all acted right now, and ended our use of fossil fuels and our use of animal agriculture, climate change could be stopped.


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