キーナン・シプカのインスタグラム(kiernanshipka) - 9月19日 02時14分

MEET JESS “Hi, my name is Jess. I am a third year ENL teacher in NYC in a title I middle school. I integrate and work in the self-contained settings. This means I work with nearly all our scholars. I also work in our after school program- our students receive access to art, sports, and academic support through a government grant. We serve a 95% free lunch population. Many of our students live in homeless shelters, have absentee parents, and come from broken homes. School supplies are difficult to come by when your family doesn’t know if they can pay rent.
I chose to teach in this community because I am a former foster child who got extremely lucky in my placement, but prior to this, I came from a single parent impoverished household. My older sister used to dumpster dive for our school supplies at the back of a local CVS. I do everything I can to make sure my students can focus on school and their futures. If I could do it, they deserve an equal chance.” LINK TO WISHLIST IN BIO & STORIES


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