久しぶり!私は仕事でとても忙しいですが、こんにちはとお伝えしたいと思います! I was thinking this crisp morning, as the seasons are changing, about inner change and how challenging it is to let go of our old and outdated belief systems. I always felt like fall was a time of letting go of what no longer served us, in preparation for the hibernation and rumination of winter. It also a season of harvesting what does serve us. My mother sent me a picture of the peaches that fell from our tree in New Mexico. Those peaches knew it was time to separate from the branch as they had grown to fruition, and simply let go. They, no longer bound to the tree, now nourish my family and friends, with their sweet nectar and flesh. Growth like this is not limited to fruits and vegetables but it also must occur in all of us. It’s time to shake off thoughts like, “I failed.” “I didn’t do it right” “I’m not good enough.” “It’s too hard.” “I’m not good looking.” “So and so does it better.” All of these detrimental and self harming thoughts that do nothing but hold us back from happiness. If we can let these thoughts drop from our tree, what beautiful things could manifest from that! How we could serve others instead of our own self doubt. How we could nourish others with our sweet nectar! I will be doing my own work as the month progresses- journaling, meditating, letting go.... if you can read this, I hope you can find little ways to practice self love and let those peaches fall from the tree. Food for thought on this sleepy Thursday morning. Besos and love, Charlotte ❤️

charlottekatefox_officialさん(@charlottekatefox_official)が投稿した動画 -

シャーロット・ケイト・フォックスのインスタグラム(charlottekatefox_official) - 9月13日 09時00分


I was thinking this crisp morning, as the seasons are changing, about inner change and how challenging it is to let go of our old and outdated belief systems. I always felt like fall was a time of letting go of what no longer served us, in preparation for the hibernation and rumination of winter. It also a season of harvesting what does serve us. My mother sent me a picture of the peaches that fell from our tree in New Mexico. Those peaches knew it was time to separate from the branch as they had grown to fruition, and simply let go. They, no longer bound to the tree, now nourish my family and friends, with their sweet nectar and flesh. Growth like this is not limited to fruits and vegetables but it also must occur in all of us. It’s time to shake off thoughts like, “I failed.” “I didn’t do it right” “I’m not good enough.” “It’s too hard.” “I’m not good looking.” “So and so does it better.” All of these detrimental and self harming thoughts that do nothing but hold us back from happiness. If we can let these thoughts drop from our tree, what beautiful things could manifest from that! How we could serve others instead of our own self doubt. How we could nourish others with our sweet nectar! I will be doing my own work as the month progresses- journaling, meditating, letting go.... if you can read this, I hope you can find little ways to practice self love and let those peaches fall from the tree. Food for thought on this sleepy Thursday morning. Besos and love, Charlotte ❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




