バーニー・サンダースのインスタグラム(berniesanders) - 9月12日 02時41分

Today we remember the worst terrorist attack in our nation's history and the nearly 3,000 lives that were lost on that day 17 years ago. Today we think of them, their families and their loved ones. And today we must commit to end terrorist violence and the conditions that give rise to it: corruption, authoritarianism, inequality and ethnic and religious hatred.
On that day we also saw how the people of our country can come together. There were the courageous passengers on the flight that crashed in Pennsylvania; the first responders in New York City and the Pentagon racing into the disaster in order to save lives; the people who risked their lives to search for survivors in the rubble. The memory of those acts of selfless sacrifice and bravery speak to the best of us as a nation — that we are a people who are prepared to come together and work for the good of our fellow Americans.

Photo: Steve Gardner, Flickr


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