トーライ・ケリーのインスタグラム(torikelly) - 9月3日 03時54分

marriage is like having a mirror in front of you constantly. the other person is seeing all of your flaws & insecurities come out in ways that even surprise yourself. with that can come a lot of trials & a lot of tears; but hidden in those hard times, there can be so much beauty. when you can reflect grace & forgiveness back at each other, it is the most special kind of love. the kind that is patient. the kind that doesn’t insist on its own way. the kind that is not easily angered. the kind that keeps no record of wrongs. the kind that always protects, always trusts, & always hopes. the kind that ALWAYS perseveres. (1 cor. 13:4-7)
i’ve never learned so much about myself, & at the same time, never realized how much i have yet to learn. but whether we’re on the highest mountaintop or in the deepest valley, i’m so glad i get to do life with you & figure it out together. ?here’s to a new adventure every day


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