ローレン・ヤングのインスタグラム(lo_young) - 7月25日 13時00分

Personal goals, timelines and standards of society are things that we deal with on a daily basis, but other than that we have our own standards as well. I used to be so focused on my end goals like getting married and having kids at a certain age that I totally forgot to live my life. Suddenly my days and nights became all about my future and nothing about my present. The personal pressure that I was putting on myself was way harsher than any peer pressure I ever experienced, I forgot to have fun and be young because all I was thinking about were my end goals. It came to a point where I just had to step back, reassess my choices and actually start living! Now I can say that stepping into the unknown has been one of the most exciting decisions I’ve ever made!
Click the link in my bio or visit the #Olay Facebook page to watch the inspiring video that encourages women to be #FearlessAtAnyAge. What's your fearless story?


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