シーン・マコールのインスタグラム(mccollsean) - 7月20日 23時36分

My reaction when someone asks me how the competition is going ?
First route was bumpy, got pumped after 10 moves, struggled through the cruxy middle, and found a bit of life near the top before making a bad call with my feet. The crazy thing was how nervous I was before the first climb, I felt like I was back at my very first World Cup. I expected to be rusty, as the last route I climbed was exactly a year ago, in finals at this very competition; what I felt was almost overwhelming.
Second route I found my stride as now the last route I climbed was 4 hours prior, not 360 days. ? It probably also helped that it was more my style. I’m in semis tonight in my favourite number, 13! That means I’ll be out just after the cleaning ? ~20:30 local. Live stream link in profile ⤴️ It’s nice to be back, and among friends ?
?: @sytsevanslooten


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