シーン・マコールのインスタグラム(mccollsean) - 7月17日 00時01分

Coming back from an injury is never easy. After testing at Hachioji and pulling out of Vail, I couldn’t even train. Not training is the hardest part ?
When I got my results and after a few times at physio, I could start lead training but I knew I was behind. I’ve now been training a couple of weeks and need to climb some real competition routes. It broke my heart missing Villars and Chamonix but enjoyed watching nonetheless.
I’m coming to Briançon! That’s the good news; how well I’ll do, no idea and yet it doesn’t really matter. If I get my ass kicked, I wouldn’t be surprised because the lack of training and would use it as a motivator for Innsbruck! Am I nervous, definitely. I’m hoping to get the feel of lead climbing back and find my rhythm. It feels good to have a flight booked and a competition looming, it’s unsettling to not be at 100% but not everything can be calculated. Here we go ‼️
?: @thecircuitclimbing 2017 Briançon WC


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