ジェナ・マクドゥーガルのインスタグラム(hevenshe) - 7月18日 06時51分

It took me a year and a half to transition from vegetarian to vegan between 2014-2016. The 2.5 years I have been vegan since then has saved 3 million litres of water, 16,000 Kilos of grain, 2,500 square metres of forrest and most importantly 880 precious animal lives ??? I feel so inspired and re-impassioned by the amazing people at @gobeyondthelies and @peta2 tents on Warped Tour this Summer! Please visit these incredibly heart centred and informative Humans and learn about how you can take 1 step at a time to making changes that benefit your health, the planet and your connection to All That Is. I’m posting the Vegan Calculator in my story and on my bio right now. Just one month of eating vegan saves 30 animal lives! That’s amazing! I believe everyone has the right to be free. Please share stories from your journey towards a cruelty free life (&/or your calculator results) below! PS! This is not an exclusive club. This is love. I just want to share it ♥️ @jordan_kelsey_knight


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