レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 6月25日 08時47分

The struggle❤️ Since my neck and back issues earlier this year I have barely been back bending at all and wheels these days... Oh man. Mega mega mega difficult. To get back to some sort of spaciousness I’m practicing tons of supported heart openers (over blocks and blankets), doing walk-downs at the wall and practicing breathing into discomfort in urdvha dhanurasana holds. Ah, the discomfort. It’s so hard! But no pain. Very grateful for that. Also, I’m practicing passive hanging from rings every morning. 30sec x 8. Little by little feeling my heart soften again. I look at this photo and remember a time when I couldn’t get my shoulders to lift off the mat (2010), a time I could reach my toes overhead (2016) and a time I couldn’t even contemplate the pose because of pain (early 2018). Yoga is here with me through it all. Urging me to listen, to sit with what is, to explore the space within. Grateful for this practice and most of all, this banging postpartum body that can do so much?? #gratitude #yogaeverydamnday #space #breathe #heart #listen #yogagirl #openheart


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