ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 5月22日 14時22分

A year ago today terrorists did the unthinkable to our beautiful city. Innocent lives were lost and many lives were affected. But the spirit of Manchester didn’t break. It cannot break. In fact, it made us stronger. So they lost. They lost at trying to have us living in fear of them. They lost in trying to scare us away from doing everyday things and they lost in trying to control us. Today I stand proud and shoulder to shoulder with every other Mancunian. And together we raise our middle finger to terrorism, and most importantly, we remember those who lost their lives in our wonderful city. We remember all of you and we will never forget you. #ohmanchesteriswonderful ❤️ Artist: @dickvincent


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