この前42stでライブをした帰り、動画で見たことがあったパワフルなシンガー SHESHEを見かけて話しかけたらなんと SHESHEのライブの時間を30分くれるということに!! そして先日ドキドキしながらも34st Herald Squareでストリートライブしてきました! SHESHEは音楽を全身で感じていて歌声はソウルフルで楽しそうに歌ってて見てて感動した!! と同時にこのあと俺やるのか。。という不安感も。笑 でもどうせやるからには自分を全て出し切りたいと思ってめちゃくちゃ楽しんだ! 終わってからSHESHEがNYきたらまた連絡して!一緒にまたやろう!って言ってくれてNYでストリートライブをやった意味を見つけられた。 SHESHE貴重な30分をくれてありがとう! 素敵な時間だった! また帰ったらアップします! The other day on my way home from my performance at 42nd Street, I happened to run into a singer named SHESHE who's videos I'd seen online before. We talked for a bit and she was kind enough to give me 30 minutes to perform at her next live show. I was super nervous, but the other day I performed at 34th Street Herald Square! SHESHE always looks like she's having a blast while singing - really feeling the music and projecting her awesome, soulful voice. I was super inspired watching her! ...But also nervous about having to go on after such a talented act lmao Despite everything, I gave it my all and had a blast! After finishing up my set, SHESHE was super cool and said to hit her up the next time I'm in NY so we can perform together. It was a real learning experience! Watching SHESHE perform and talking with her after our sets gave me some real insight as to how to up my own performance game the next time I challenge the streets of NY. SHESHE, thank you so much for giving me a shot to perform with you! It was an amazing time! #ny #instabass #bass #bassist #sheshedance #amazingsinger #辻斬り #己の刀の切れ味を知る #撮影ジョナサン #翻訳ジョナサン

yuuta.tsujimuraさん(@yuuta.tsujimura)が投稿した動画 -

辻村勇太のインスタグラム(yuuta.tsujimura) - 4月16日 06時26分

この前42stでライブをした帰り、動画で見たことがあったパワフルなシンガー SHESHEを見かけて話しかけたらなんと SHESHEのライブの時間を30分くれるということに!! そして先日ドキドキしながらも34st Herald Squareでストリートライブしてきました! SHESHEは音楽を全身で感じていて歌声はソウルフルで楽しそうに歌ってて見てて感動した!!

The other day on my way home from my performance at 42nd Street, I happened to run into a singer named SHESHE who's videos I'd seen online before. We talked for a bit and she was kind enough to give me 30 minutes to perform at her next live show. I was super nervous, but the other day I performed at 34th Street Herald Square!
SHESHE always looks like she's having a blast while singing - really feeling the music and projecting her awesome, soulful voice. I was super inspired watching her! ...But also nervous about having to go on after such a talented act lmao
Despite everything, I gave it my all and had a blast!
After finishing up my set, SHESHE was super cool and said to hit her up the next time I'm in NY so we can perform together. It was a real learning experience! Watching SHESHE perform and talking with her after our sets gave me some real insight as to how to up my own performance game the next time I challenge the streets of NY. SHESHE, thank you so much for giving me a shot to perform with you! It was an amazing time!



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




