カーステン・ヴァングスネスのインスタグラム(kirstenvangsness) - 3月23日 23時32分

My Ravenclaw Sage (you can follow her on the twitter at “@celeste_pewter” ) made this graphic so we can call our reps today. This gentleman appointed for this job — he as much right to his pursuit of happiness as anyone on the planet but I don’t want him to have this job and I am going to exercise my proud, sexy right as a proud,sexy American to tell my elected officials just that. You can do that if you want and here’s what to say & the phone number. If you are too, too afraid to call I give you permission to email them but 25,000 points if you call.?✌???


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



