ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 3月21日 04時47分

Evil Steve working his magic on my shoulders. When I first started these I was on 8kg for 10 reps 4 sets. In 6 months I’ve worked up to 12kg (sometimes 14kg depending on how tired I am) for 10 reps and 4 sets. To look at me physically you can’t really tell that much (obv I’m leaner but not massively!) But mentally I cannot tell you how AMAZING it feels to hit PB’s and know your strength and health has improved so much! We’re so much more then just numbers on a scale. We have more substance to us then that and hitting a new PB beats hitting a certain dress size for me any day. I love feeling strong and I love that I have the support and encouragement to get even stronger. Round 3 tomorrow ?@upfitnesslive


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