キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 3月11日 03時22分

Your happiness is your responsibility. It can be as simple as what you focus on. Mediate on the mess and you’ll get more mess. But choose childlike wonder and goodness in every breath and your world will turn on its axis.
I’ve been overwhelmed with how many people have come up to me on the streets, in airports, and sent me messages thanking me for creating @omstarsofficial People have told me that OMstars has literally changed their lives and been a crucial catalyst in transforming their practice. I always wanted to make a meaningful contribution to the yoga path with my online channel and I almost cried with joy to be flooded with this feedback lately. If you haven’t joined, there’s still time to try out this month’s challenge FREE for a super limited time. Click the link in my bio to sign up.
Last day #flylikeayogi is Uttplutih, Sprung Up. The class is by @yogajosey on OMstars.com and thanks to our awesome sponsors @liforme @omstarsofficial @yogaclubbox we can donate $1 per person to RAINN. Comment below if you participated daily to enter to win some awesome prizes. Winners announced on @omstarsofficial soon ?
Photo @yoandyvidal
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebrearhatatime ?


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