クロエ・ベネットのインスタグラム(chloebennet) - 3月8日 13時57分

SEASON 2 random bts shots. 1. 50 real acupuncture needles, two real (small) sheets. 2. Harnessed while on top of a mountain, cause duh. 3. Ruth Negga, damn girl your face is spikey. 4. THE MOST WINDY DAY EVER WE ALL ALMOST BLEW AWAY. 5. First dinner with daddy-O (@カイル・マクラクラン ) 6. Luke making dying look good af. 7. Lauren and Madison! Our trusty stand ins! 8. Shaybird trying to win Arthur’s love, he’s SUPER into it. #shield100 #agentsofshield


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