シェネルのインスタグラム(chenelleworld) - 2月6日 16時22分

Hey guys just f-in around. Listening to all the sh#% talk about #JustinTimberlake today ? I thought you’d like freakin “cry me a river” hahahha song of the day!! Classic. Just tryna have a fun #melodymonday with you! I thought he did a bloody good job if you asked me at #SuperBowl halftime, but hey... what’s social media without criticism.. ???
Sidebar: I’m on this keto diet that’s kickin my ass right now so forgive me if I look lethargic af! I’m not high I don’t do drugs and I’m not bored hahah ???????‍♀??‍♀??‍♀??‍♀??‍♀??‍♀??‍♀ #melodymondays #justintimberlake #songs #crymeariver #timberland #Superbowl #getinspired


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