マイケル・フランティのインスタグラム(michaelfranti) - 12月23日 07時50分

Sara and I rocking the mat together. Enjoying some good tunes and morning sun over the rice fields. This was my first day on the mat since knee surgery and it was a practice in letting go to what my body feels like right now. Stiff, and in need of leg strength. It felt great to feel the muscles wake up and remember how they felt before the surgery and to actually be able to sit without the knee pain I had before surgery. Little by little it will all come back and I’ll have learned a ton from the process. “Practice and all will come” -Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. @soulshinebali @saraagahfranti #soulshinebali #stayhuman #yoga #yogi #music #musician #musicianlife #bali


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